Multi-purpose putty replacement in a white colour.

Ideal as a permanently elastic and paintable alternative to linseed oil putty and for new glazing applications and renovation and restoration.

Suitable for:

  • The permanent replacement of putty in wooden and steel frames.
  • For bedding-in timber and metal glazing beads.
  • Filling nail and screw holes.
  • For external and internal applications.
  • To seal exposed end grain of timber components.

* Typical curing time of 2 hours when applied at 20ºC. Application thickness, temperature and humidity may affect curing times.


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Ready for sanding and painting (at 20°C)


Shelf life

  1. Check adhesion and remove all loose putty.
  2. Clean and sand rebate.
  3. Prime the rebate and allow to dry.
  4. Cut the nozzle to form the glazing profile and apply DRY SEAL™ MP.
  5. Smooth the surface by holding the applicator upright.
  6. When cured, apply a paint or stain if required.

Safety data sheet – DRY SEAL™ MP
Product sheet – DRY SEAL™ MP

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